Special Kids in the UK is a charity for families who have a child of any age with special needs.
Families who have children and young people with special needs often deal with similar challenges. They may have concerns about education, services, therapies, respite and other issues directly related to their child. Special Kids in the UK aim is to bring families together for friendship, to share information and to support one another.
The charity was created by parents who have children with special needs and appreciate how important this type of contact and information is. They hope that Special Kids in the UK will help other families who have children with any kind of special need, to realise that they are not alone.
Special Kids in the UK started as an online support group in 2000. In July 2005, Special Kids in the UK became a registered charity in order to expand its services and reach more families. We are a member based charity serving residents throughout the United Kingdom . Special Needs covers a broad spectrum including learning, physical and behavioural difficulties.
Our special needs support forum is open to all members, extended family members, friends and also professionals working with children who have special needs.
Verified Charity members are able to access member benefits (for example, discounted trips and entry to attractions around the country when attending our family days). Charity members are also able to vote on some charity decisions and help with decisions on how charity funds are used to benefit the members. There is a also a private section of the support forum where charity members can make contact with each other and access all member benefits.