Special Kids in the UK is a charity for families who have a child of any age with special needs.
Families who have children and young people with special needs often deal with similar challenges. They may have concerns about education, services, therapies, respite and other issues directly related to their child. Special Kids in the UK aim is to bring families together for friendship, to share information and to support one another.
The people on the forum really know what living with a profoundly disabled child is like, not just the lows but equally importantly they know how exciting it is when your child makes a small step forward, no matter how small that step might be, we are able to celebrate it together because we all know just how precious it is.
For us Special Kids In The UK is Advice, support, friendship and Family.
I joined SK when my son was 3 back in 2000, when it was a small email based group. We have made friends who are as dear to us as family. Siblings have all entered medical professions as a direct result of growing up in this incredible, supportive, informative and hilarious SK group We have camped every year since the very first meet up and even though our children are now growing up, they take time off work to come and camp every year, to be with their SK family. SKITUK has made us who we are, and we love it!
Special Kids in the UK proved to be a lifeline when we realised we faced a future with a child with a profound disability. Nothing prepares you for this but having people who understand offering support can make facing the future a lot more certain and positive.